Curriculum vitae

1913 (September 28) born in Winterthur

1913 Move to Moscow - father Emil Lavater stationed out for Sulzer Brothers.

1919 Escape from Moscow and first return to Winterthur

1921 Move to Athens - father Emil Lavater outstationed for Sulzer Brothers.

1922 Second return to Winterthur; attends high school.

1931-1935 Specialized class for graphics at the Zurich School of Arts and Crafts. First occupation with signets. Study visits to Stockholm, Basel and Paris.

1937 Founds the Honegger and Lavater studio for applied graphics in Zurich together with Gottfried Honegger.

1939 First important commission for the signet of the Swiss National Exhibition.

1940 Marriage to Gottfried Honegger.

1943 Birth of daughter Bettina (Egger).

1944 Birth of daughter Cornelia (Hesse-Honegger).

1944-1958 Edits and designs the children's and youth magazine Jugendwoche (Juwo).

1949 Publication of the first children's book Sandy und die Kinder.

1957-1958 large-scale mural and book Die Linie (The Line) for the 2nd Swiss Exhibition of Women's Work (SAFFA).

1958 Moves to New York. Scientific illustrations (Edition Visuals). Impressed by the expressiveness of the signals and advertising signs in the American streetscape, Lavater develops pictograms as pictorial language elements.

1960 Return to Zurich, second studio in Paris. Repeated stays in New York.

1962 The Museum of Modern Art publishes her first book entitled William Tell.

1963 Adrien Maeght Editeur Paris takes over the publication of her folding books (Imageries). Illustration of her own fairy tales and those of the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault and Hans Christian Andersen in her drawing language, for example Le petit Chaperon rouge (1965) and La Fable du Hasard (1968).

1971, Tur di di, a parable on artistic creation, appeared. In addition to folding pictures in limited editions, also hand-colored originals or Perceptibles, small boxes with symbolic, movable mini-objects.

1972-1975 three wall ceramics for the water supply of the city of Zurich.

1973 book of poems Perceptions: Each letter is juxtaposed with a newly designed sign.

1993 Work on short films based on six fairy tales.

2007 (May 3) died in Zurich at the age of 93.

2021 Retrospective exhibition at Zurich Central Library on Lavater's complete works.